Real estateA beautiful property in Feliksów

The beautiful property in Feliksowo will be perfect as a holiday home or a year-round home, and the quiet green surroundings and the proximity of the water will guarantee a wonderful holiday.

Real estatePrawdziwy pałac na Saskiej Kępie

Saska Kępa to jedna z najpiękniejszych i najwygodniejszych do życia części Warszawy. Znajduje się tu niesamowita nieruchomość, którą jakiś czas temu trafiła do oferty mojej firmy.

Luxurious two-level apartment in Wilanów

Many people want to dwell in Wilanów which does not surprise at all me given how attractiva is this area in many ways. That’s why I am always happy to take in another apartment for sale located in this beautiful spot of Warsaw.