I don’t think anyone expected that this year’s Easter would look like that. We are used to the world in which the life we lead is something certain and nothing can change it. And yet it changed. The coronavirus stopped our world and our fast lives without asking our opinion.
This situation, as any other, has two sides to it: the good and the bad, two sides of the same coin.
The bad thing is that so many people suffer and die from the coronavirus, that so many of us lost our loved ones or are constantly worried because they are in hospitals diagnosed with the illnes the virus provokes. The economy is in rather shabby condition and what happens now accelerated the recession which some economist forecast for some time now.
But there is also good in all that. Finally, we have time for each other and we can spend time together, although rather online than offline. I have seen many gestures of solidarity, help and good will. I don’t know if you have observed it, too, but we smile more often and we are kinder to each other.
There is hope that maybe something will change, the world will be better and people will be kinder to each other.
I wish you all health, calm, smiles, closeness even when you are away, but most of all I wish you that this difficult time results in something good and new in your lives.
I hope that your life after the coronavirus will be better than your life before it.
Happy Easter!