Hardly any other work of human labour enchant me as much as yachts do. Luxury boats are fast, beautiful, well designed, tastefully furnished and studded with state-of-the-art technologies. It is clear at first sight that these are high end goods. This is why today, I want to tell you about Sanlorenzo, an Italian shipyard building luxury yachts.

60 years of tradition
It all began over 60 years ago, in 1958. Initially small yachts were manufactured in this shipyard, but by the end of the 1960s, the business was already offering a range of wooden yachts between 36 and 60 feet long. After a change of the owner that took place in 1972, the shipyard spread its wings… or sails. It was during this time when the first ever fibre glass yacht was made by the shipyard, and next clients were given the opportunity to personalise the fittings of the yacht. As such, Sanlorenzo joined the elite group of shipyards manufacturing luxury yachts.

A new lease of life
In the 1980s and 1990s, Sanlorenzo was developing its production capacity and built larger and larger vessels. The first 100-feet-long yacht was available at the company in the mid-1990s. But it was not until the new owner Massimo Perotti took over the course did the company experience a rebirth of sorts. He has been managing Sanlorenzo since 2005 with a short break. It is owing to him that the company entered the market of superyachts, revamped the design of the yachts and introduced solutions applied in the luxury residential construction industry. Perotti’s ideas turned out to hit the bull’s eye and sales went up nearly tenfold.

The values endorsed by the brand
Sanlorenzo is a business built on values: searching for solutions that are immune to passing fads, advanced customization and personalisation of every yacht, and, last but not least, world-class design interior decoration. All these elements come together in every boat that leaves the shipyard. Owing to this, the yachts are the equivalent of Patek Phillipe in the yachting world – they are passed down from father to son. Sanlorenzo can thank the philosophy underlying the business for this, namely building yachts so beautiful that nobody would ever want to get rid of them.

Hand made and hybrid
There is one more thing I want to mention: many of Sanlorenzo yacht parts are done by hand. Top craftsmen who are masters in their trades work on the vessels. They make beautiful items and parts: wooden floors, upholstered furniture for the boat interior or complex tile mosaics.

The Sanlorenzo tradition is hardly technologically lagging. In 2016, the shipyard launched its first hybrid technology E-motion yacht (a fuel and electric engine).
If you would like to see more Sanlorenzo yachts, visit the website of Patrick Marine.