Year 2018 in pictures :)

Już za kilka godzin koniec roku. Z tej okazji przygotowałem dla Was zdjęciowe podsumowanie minionych 12 miesięcy na blogu Mr Luxury.

The last day of December is a great moment to sum up the passing year. Today, I have whipped up a photographic resume of what happened on the Mr Luxury blog over the past 12 months. It was the first year of the operation of my blog and I wrote a lot of interesting posts. But today, let us have a look at some pictures from 2018.


Each year in January, one of the most renowned men’s fashion fair or Pitti Immagine Uomo is held. For a few days Florence is filled with extravagant, colourful men’s fashion that I like so much. This is why I was very happy to be able to attend this special event.



Winter rides in a Rolls-Royce? Why not! In February I was invited by Rolls-Royce to test four of their models: Ghost Black Badge, Wraith, Dawn and Phantom. It was a great and thrilling adventure and at the same time a time well spent.


fot. Rolls-Royce
fot. Rolls-Royce
fot. Rolls-Royce



In late March, I paid a visit to London. I had a look at Harrods’s, went for a walk in the vicinities of One Hyde Park which is home to some of the world’s most expensive apartments. When I got back, I visited the Atelier Zabłotny where I had ordered a custom-made suit, jacket and trousers.


fot. Marcin Łuniewski


In early April, I went on a trip to Barcelona and saw the sites of the genius architect Gaudi. I also visited a great bar in the Warsaw district of Wilanów, namely Cocktail Bar Syta 93. April was a great month, it marked the beginning of spring and good weather.


fot. Marcin Łuniewski



May was when I travelled to France and Italy. I wrote a post for you about my stay at the Chateau Chenonceau in France and about wines from Montepulciano and Vouvrey.


fot. Dariusz Pruss
fot. Dariusz Pruss



In June, I attended the Pomorskie Rendez-Vous (an event bringing together business and luxury) when I had the opportunity to see the latest yachts made by Sunreef Yachts.


fot. Marcin Łuniewski
fot. Sunreef Yachts
fot. Sunreef Yachts



In the first month of the summer vacation, I paid a visit to the Dom Whisky which permitted me to write a short post about single malt whisky. I also explored the topic of Cuban cigars. July was also the month when I discovered golf.


fot. Marcin Łuniewski
fot. Marcin Łuniewski
fot. Marcin Łuniewski



In August, I wrote a post about the importance of the location of real property and reported from the premiere of the McLaren 600LT and the first SUV by Rolls-Royce, namely the Cullinan.


fot. Marcin Łuniewski



The blog turned one in September. To celebrate the anniversary, I went on a trip to Milan and later to Cannes for the Cannes Yachting Festival.



In October, I posted about one of the most incredible timepieces I have ever seen, namely the Krayon Everywhere. In another October post I wrote about the most prestigious locations in Warsaw.


luksusowy męski zegarek Krayon
fot. Krayon (materiały prasowe)
fot. Marcin Łuniewski
fot. Marcin Łuniewski


November was a very busy month for me. I posted a review of a restaurant taking part in the Restaurant Week project, I tried to explain why men like Louis Vuitton bags so much and put together a list of the merits of private jets.


Deser czekoladowy wiśnia

Mężczyzna z torbą Louis Vuitton nad Wisłą
fot. Marcin Łuniewski



And so came December. This month a few of the posts pertained to the things I enjoy, like my favourite fashion brands, great cosmetics (with a few hints on what to buy for the men in your life as Christmas gifts 😉). Last but not least, I had a photo shoot with Santa Claus.

Only a few hours separate us from the start of the new year. May the new year be better than the last one and prosperous. See you in 2019!

elegancki mężczyzna Warszawa
fot. Marcin Łuniewski


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