Mr Luxury turns two: Top 5 posts from the past 12 months
The 7th of September is a very special date for me. First of all it is my birthday, and, secondly – it was two years ago that I published my first post on the Mr Luxury blog. When I began my blogging two years ago, I had no idea how fascinating but also how time-consuming this would be. Over the past two years I wrote over 200 posts, most of which are also available in English. I published a few thousand images on the blog. I am unable to count the hours I spent on writing and editing the post, but it was definitely a lot 🙂
Today’s post will be brief as instead of getting one single post, you will be able to read 5! I won’t keep you waiting and will end this longish intro so that you can start reading the top 5 most read posts from the blog published over the past 12 months. Have a great read and do not be a stranger to the Mr Luxury blog!
5th place: What every man needs to know about elegant accessories?
4th place: Is having your own hotel a good business idea?
3rd place: If not in Mazury, what other great places for a summer house are there?
2nd place: Konstancin – The favourite place of the most affluent Poles
1st place: Is it worth purchasing a palace?